Acupressure a check for Arthritis!

Rheumatology disease symptoms also could be due to vitamin deficiency…Sometimes we find it very hard to walk or work due to pain starting from finger joints to ankle, knee, wrist or elbow joint/s, on the top, back or front of the shoulder joint, hip joints or even pain in entire waist and down in hip joints.

More often People treat all, “#ConsistentJointPain” as #Arthritis or, our medical practitioner baptizes it with something from branches of it. In short, we relate all consistent ‘joint pain’ to bone or #BoneJoint. Is it so? How far is this correct; read further but only if you know ‘#diagnosis is trial and error’, ‘sometimes #diagnosis on self-assumptions’, many times #diagnosis part of business’.  And offcourse if you believe in different diagnostic and treatment methods!

The very important symptom is “you are suffering this pain for a noticeable time”, and because no remedy (other than a painkiller) you could find; you concluded it as, ‘joint pain due to wearing out bones at joint’.

There are other branches of medicine they are called allied/side/alternate and, Yess they do exist. When I was a young man (yup once I used to be like you!) n my family doctor (yaah am from the generation where having a family doctor was common!) told me on my query (and yess, we could cross question to our doc!), that, ‘no single treatment method is solution to all problems. For a general purpose, by your own knowledge (not just heard one), keep general knowledge of, what suits to your requirement. You should know other treatment methods; with it’s strong points, and limits and this is your responsibility!

Well now try to think differently if you can! When there is “pain around any joint”, than for sure, it’s not related to bone. If your respiration, digestion system, immune system, reproduction system, urinary system are facing any problem/s, which has ‘some more active’ Marmbindu or Acu points around the joint, will surface (means start showing itching, ticking but in the end pain) pain. Those bodily functioning parts/organs/ systems will give you signals (pain is the signal!) itching is sort of tickling and it ends in pain.

Because these points are around any of the joints as mentioned before, light pain may indicate different location from joint, but severe pain will confuse a person about it’s precise location, because they will find it difficulty in making movements (severity doesn’t means just pain, swelling is also possible). Pain level depends on severity of the problem and sustainability to pain depends on person. There is one point each, related to respiration, digestion, immune, reproduction, urinary system, around wrists, elbows or ankle, knee joints. Each joint is surrounded by these points.

I have observed that like risk responses in management, there is lot lethargy in people, to respond to health risks… for any risk, their concern is level of pain, and duration of pain. They won’t think of it until it disturbs routines or they realize a life threat (I have seen people; wasting on medicines, more than they earned and still don’t care of health).

The instinct of this article is, help them who care of their health n wealth too.

Most of time, may be by, around, and in some cases until 35 you are not much aware of these things. Mostly by 26-27 (I have handful of cases of below 20!) you start with backache but, you don’t care much, mostly by 32-35 people start feeling of joint pain. If so, then by this time it’s obvious to get high heart beats n high sugar (now it’s tumbled down to below 20) ‘please don’t be surprised if you are certified for high BP n/or Diabetes, if you have hectic routines and you are Chinese, fast-food, smoke, drink lover (I din’t say addict, it’s you to ask n tell yourself!).

If you had good exercise regime in youth you may get start with backache by 35 and if so, rest will catch you by 40. What I mean here is, “this happens due to your lifestyle” (if you are not sure ‘what is lifestyle’ then explaining lifestyle, is a different issue).

Respiration system: Frequent Cough, gradual Infection, asthmatic conditions, in sequence gradually catches you in long run and prevails for a too long duration. It makes even worst if you are addicted to smoking. The Marmbindus or Acu points close to joints for Lungs are back of heel, inner below and behind knees, above knee front of thighs, front of waist, on the sides of bottom belly. Same for ankles and elbows

Digestion system: What you eat or drink matters the most. Spicy, heavily processed food triggers over functions for acidity, lever functions, in terms it triggers endocrine glands The Marmbindus or Acu points close to joints for guts are outer upper ankle, lower side of knee, back side of knee, sides of thighs, sides of waist. Same for ankles and elbows.

Immune system: At the root or main causes for weak immune are connected to your thought processes major part of ‘LifeStyle’. More the Anxiety or Depression more you are weak on immune. Though the system is complex still your immune weakness speaks to you from Thumb’s edge to almost all over body. I have seen many athletes, bodybuilders with a noticeably week immune. You may find strong immune in the people, with balanced mind. The Marmbindus or Acu points close to joints for Lymph are on back of the thumb on immediate after joints of Wrist, Elbow, Ankle, Knee joints. Parallel to Lung points in thighs and arms,

Reproduction system: Mainly like dysfunction due to infection, acidity, contraction, fertility, frequent vaginal or seamen discharge brings stress to reproduction system. When a system is stressed, it’s week, when a system is week it signals through pain at it’s denominated points. There are points on heel/hand (inner and outer side) close to ankle and wrist join on knees/elbows close to respiration systems points and on front of waist.

Urinary system: May be kidney dysfunction or bladder, the Marmbindus or Acu points are on middle and bottom of palm/foot, back of heel/wrist, inner edge of knee/forearm, from of waist.

Dysfunctions in Respiration, digestion and reproduction, triggers glands to over function>weakens immune system>triggers dysfunction in endocrine system. This is one of the ways of gradual disaster…

Acupressure points are not limited to joints; there are almost a thousand, across the body. The motto of this article is not promoting acupressure; it’s to explain the “other” meaning of pain in joints.

As long as, you save from emotions>you are no more ‘waana be’ and additionally if you maintain fitness regime… for a long you will be saved from joint pain…

And, please do not connect you ‘back pain’ to this topic. It’s a very different context!

#RheumatologyDisease, #VitaminDeficiency, #FitnessRegime, #Emotion, #Acupressure, #RespirationDysfunction, #DigestionDysfunction, #ReproductiveDysfunction, #ImmuneSystem, #KidneyDysfunction, #EndocrineSystem, #ReproductionSystem, #Frequent SeamenDischarge, #Marmbindu, #LifeStyle, #Anxiety, #Depression, #Bladder, #Diabetes, #FastFood #RiskResponse #ThighPain #WaistPain #AnklePain #ElbowPain #Lymph #Pain #ConsistentJointPain #Arthritis #medicalpractitioner #jointpain #BoneJoint #diagnosisistrialanderror’ #diagnosis onselfassumptions   #diagnosispartofbusiness #differentdiagnosticandtreatmentmethods # wearingoutbones


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